
苹果抢注同心圆商标:代表新总部Apple Park

现如今的建筑物,越来越“标新立异”。如果你去过苹果新总部的访客中心,应该可以看到印有同心圆的 Apple Park 纪念 T 恤衫,苹果打算将其注册为商标以代表自己的新总部。苹果向美国专利商标局提交了申请,不过苹果的申请非常具体,好像就是为了保护题图里的图案。



「- 035: retail store services; product demonstrations provided in-store; arranging and conducting of commercial, trade, and business conferences, shows, and exhibitions.

– 041: education services, namely, conducting classes, workshops, and seminars in the field of computers, computer software, online services, information technology, internet website design, music, photography and video products and consumer electronics; Education services, namely, arranging professional workshop and training courses; computer education training services; training in the use and operation of computers, computer software and consumer electronics; arranging, organizing, conducting, and presenting concerts, live performances, and entertainment special events; conducting guided tours.

– 043: restaurant services.」

前段时间上映的电影《圆圈》,影片中的 Circle 公司就是暗指苹果公司。

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